Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year New Gig!

Has the New Year got you considering a change in your life? Perhaps you are wanting more than the year to change and you are thirsting for the chance to reinvent yourself! How about considering one of those business ideas you have been rattling around in your head? Bad economy you say? Believe it or not that just could be the very best part of it! Changing times create opportunity for goods and services that may not have previously been in demand! People's changing lifestyles could very well present unforeseen opportunities. Are you a good writer? This could be the perfect time to launch that Resume writing business you had in mind! Out of work but a pretty good cook you say? Well there are plenty of your neighbors still rushing around trying to get a hot meal on the table each night who might just love the idea that you will serve it up including drop it by their house or have it ready for a pick up each night! Do you have a reliable vehicle? There are likely some people in your neighborhood that are not able to drive who need someone to run their errands or take them to an appointment! Simple ideas that could add up to a nice little income to help bridge the gap or be a source of a secondary income for you! This year just might be the year you get a new gig after all!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lemons Make Lemonaide!

Today I will smell the coffee, the roses and make lemonaide out of my lemons. I will take the sweetness of my past, mix it with the lemons in the bowl and treat myself to a new experience. Today I will take stock in my accumulation and make a plan for how it will look in the days to come. Today I will reevaluate my goals and consider my options in order to draw a map to where I am headed. Like the coffee beans that grew up to be ground into a desirable drink; like the roses whose flowers were guarded by their thorny mates until they became the rose petals in my potpouri ; like the lemons who came from a seed to the tart but sweet fruit in my lemonaide, I too will become something of a sum of my past.